Sometimes life is hard. At Clover Area Assistance Center, we understand how difficult it can be to support an individual or an entire family. We know that circumstances change for people every day. Some people need a little help just to get through a tough time, while others may have been struggling their entire lives. Whatever the situation, CAAC is here to help.
Transportation has long been recognized as a major issue for residents in our community, an issue that often prohibits people from obtaining the assistance they need. Whenever possible, we work to bring needed services into Clover by giving outside service providers office space locally. Please call CAAC (803.222.4837) for a current listing of visiting agencies and their available dates and times of service.
Services with Eligibility Requirements
In order to receive the following services, individuals must meet eligibility requirements. If you would like to apply for assistance, the How to Apply page will walk you through the process and help you start your application.
Full Choice Food Pantry
Financial Assistance for basic emergency needs
Dental Clinic for uninsured adults
Eyeglass and Hearing Aid Applications
Transportation Cost Assistance
Clothing/Household Vouchers
To view more information on these services, visit our Services page. Or, learn how you can apply to receive services.
Other Services – No Eligibility Requirements
As the central service provider within the boundaries of the Clover School District, we are committed to helping those in the community who simply need guidance or local access to outside agencies. CAAC provides the following resources to the general public at no cost.
Living Basics Classes (Budgeting, Needs vs. Wants, Goal Setting, Pitfalls of Credit, with more topics being developed)
SC Thrive HUB (Previously “The Benefit Bank”) – assistance in applying for SNAP, Medicare, and other benefits via one statewide application site. Interested individuals should call us in advance to receive a list of required documents needed to apply.