Our Dental Clinic is the oldest and longest operating free dental clinic for uninsured adults in York County. This is due to Dr. Blackmon’s dedicated, selfless service and genuine concern for the health of those in our community who have had inadequate or no care due to financial limitations.
Our Dental Clinic is a full service clinic offering regular cleanings, tooth extractions, and readiness for partial and full dentures. All of these services are provided at no cost to the patient. Our waiting list is 3 to 6 months.
Through our “Confidence Begins with a Healthy Mouth” program, individuals on our dental waiting list are provided with a supply of full-size oral health care products every 6 to 8 weeks in order to help prevent further damage. We also provide all denture patients with the supplies needed to properly care for their teeth, 6 times per year, as long as they remain clients in good standing.
Qualifying for Dental Care
Only those individuals who live in our service area and meet income eligibility requirements can be considered for dental care. All dental care is done by appointment and must be scheduled through Clover Area Assistance Center only. Anyone attempting to make direct contact with Dr. Blackmon through her private practice will be disqualified from receiving dental care, regardless of where they are in their treatment. Due to the high demand for dental care, individuals who do not show up for, or chronically cancel their appointments, will become ineligible for further care.
We are always seeking qualified volunteer dentists who are licensed to perform general dentistry in South Carolina. We operate a secure, fully equipped, three chair clinic, and the opportunity for a volunteer dentist to choose their own hours of operation. We are able to pay standard hourly rates for hygienists and dental assistants. Contact us for more information.
Eye Glasses and Hearing Aids
CAAC clients who meet pre-established financial guidelines are eligible to apply for vision and hearing care. Applications are available through our Pantry and Client Administrator, who will assist individuals in completing the appropriate forms. Completed applications are then submitted to the River Hills/Lake Wylie Lions Club. Once the application is submitted and reviewed, all other communication with the client regarding vision or hearing care will come directly from the River Hills/Lake Wylie Lions Club.